Your projects are an investment in time, money, and talent. Protect them with the Spray-Lock TOTAL20 System.
Spray-Lock Concrete Protection (SCP) and Spray-Lock Adhesives are time-proven technologies that meet the demands of fast-track building schedules. The Spray-Lock TOTAL20 System makes it possible to manage moisture from start to finish, from the inside out.
TOTAL20 is Spray-Lock’s extended 20-year system warranty for projects where Spray-Lock branded adhesives are used in conjunction with SCP-treated concrete. To date, over 600 flooring manufacturer’s products have been approved for use with Spray-Lock adhesives through comprehensive internal testing. So why choose Spray-Lock Concrete Protection and Adhesives for your projects?
• Proven Colloidal Silica Technology
SCP’s proprietary technology reacts with available alkali in freshly placed concrete to fill capillaries and bleed water channels with Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H). This becomes an integral part of the concrete’s matrix, leaving the surface profile unaffected. Simply put, SCP creates more concrete within the concrete’s pore structure, stopping liquid water movement permanently.
• Industry Acclaimed Adhesives
For over 20 years Spray-Lock has been setting the standard for adhesives with its time saving technology. Spray-Lock adhesives expedite installation, saving both time and money by eliminating the need for epoxies under heavy static or rolling loads, and allowing immediate access and heat welding.
Concrete Testing Results
Improved Pull-Off Strength (ASTM C1583)
Concrete treated with SCP technology exhibits better bond strength than untreated concrete in the laboratory. SCP products typically improve bond strength by 30% to 50% at 28 days over untreated concrete of cementitious coatings.
Vapor Transmission (ASTM E96)
In testing for vapor emission transmission, concrete panels were cast for control and treated conditions. The results indicated a reduction in vapor emission transmission of 70% to 80% over untreated samples.
Reduced Permeability (DIN 1048)
SCP products reduce permeability and water vapor transmission of concrete. Testing for water permeability was performed using DIN 1048. Test results show treated samples had a reduction in permeability of 70% to 90%.
Surface Friction Unchanged (ASTM E303)
SCP 327 was tested against a control sample using the British Pendulum Skid Test. The control had a surface friction indicator (BPN) of 81 and the SCP treated sample had a surface friction indicator (BPN) of 76. The slight difference in results is attributed to variations in the concrete finish. The small variation between the control and treated samples indicate that the SCP treated concrete does not change the surface of the concrete.

Eliminate Moisture-Related Flooring Failures
• SCP technology reacts in the concrete pore space to fill voids, reducing water vapor transmission to levels low enough for even the most moisture-sensitive flooring materials.
• Unmanaged moisture is the most common contributor to flooring failures overall. The use products manages that risk.
Hard Schedule Flooring Installs
• Spray-Lock products are the ultimate solution for fast track building. Flooring can be installed in as little as 14 days when SCP products are used at time of concrete placement.
• SCP eliminates the possibility of unplanned moisture problems that affect project budgets and schedules.
Immediate Access
• With Spray-Lock adhesives you can turn around the space immediately after the floor covering is installed. Spray-Lock adhesives don’t require cure times that prohibit traffic. Unlike traditional methods, Spray-Lock adhesives won’t stop your project while you wait for glue to cure.
• Spray-Lock adhesives’ technology allows installers to heat weld sheet vinyl immediately after installation.
No Need for RH and MVER Testing
• As reactive penetrants, SCP products do not require moisture testing.
• When SCP products are used at time of concrete placement, no testing is required before talls at 14 days or later, even with future remodels.
Maintain Moisture Control During Future Flooring Remodels
• When you manage moisture with SCP rather than mitigate, the problem is avoided altogether. After-the-fact moisture mitigation systems add weeks to the construction schedule, thousands of dollars to the budget, and are easily compromised during remodel.
• Concrete treated with SCP is sealed internally, allowing demolition of existing flooring as well as anchor bolt placement without compromising moisture control.